DANMOVIE works with DANCAD3D to animate screens saved as pixel-bit maps. DANCAD3D can print or plot the drawings at very high resolution (greater than 4 million pixels) if you like the way the animation looks using DANMOVIE. DANMOVIE is a useful engineering tool since you can program DANCAD3D to make an animated close-up of parts in a layout drawing. In that way you can confirm the fit of moving parts. You can also program DANCAD3D to produce an animated perspective view of the whole assembly with all its parts in motion! This is the third disk in the DANCAD3D set and contains an animated demonstration of a piston. Usage: Graphics System Requirements: 512K memory, one disk drive, and color graphics for this demo. How to Start: To view documentation, type README (press enter). To run the demonstration, type GO (press enter). Suggested Registration: $35.00 File Descriptions: FRAME ?? DANCAD3D pixel-frame files (15 files). DANMOVIE COM Program that shows the frame files. DANMOVIE DOC Documentation for DANMOVIE.COM. GO BAT Batch file to run demonstration. FILES DOC Author's file listing for DANMOVIE.